Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate

Main Number: 845-783-2251

Vocations Director

Sr. Dolores Marie, PVMI

Phone: 845-783-2251

PO Box 658
Monroe, NY 10949

To search for the people, to go to the houses and streets, has been the call of Pope Francis and, long before him, of the Good Shepherd. Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate fulfill this call, literally, with our unique contemplative-missionary charism!

Afire with the love of God and sustained by daily Eucharistic adoration, the Parish Visitor goes out in imitation of Mary’s visitation, visiting families where they live, on behalf of the pastor in whose parish she serves God. Through her person-to-person apostolate, she finds, befriends, and spiritually assists Catholics who do not practice their Faith, and she guides them back to the Church and to Catholic family life.

Through spiritual instruction, the Parish Visitor reminds those she meets of God’s immense, personal love of them. Through religious education of adults and public school children, she helps each person respond to Jesus’ love wholeheartedly. She guides the materially poor to wholesome social services and activities, while aiding them spiritually.

“Make every soul count” was the constant admonition of Mother Mary Teresa Tallon, our foundress, since our community began in 1920 in New York City. Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate continue to proclaim God’s love also in Nigeria and in the Philippines.


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious