Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross

Main Number: (503) 254-3284

Vocation Director

7408 SE Alder Street
Portland, OR 97215

The Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross (Les Amants de la Croix) is a diocesan women religious congregation founded in Vietnam in 1670 by Bishop Pierre Lambert de la Motte. In 1979 the Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross began their ministry with the Diasporas Vietnamese community in America. On December 8, 1995, this religious order was officially incarnated as a diocesan religious community of the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon.

The charism of the Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross is to follow closely in the footsteps of Jesus Christ Crucified as to fulfill God, the Father’s will. Their mission is to proclaim to all people the salvific love of Jesus Christ Crucified and to share that salvific love through their daily living and presence. The Sisters’ spirituality is to intercede of Christ’s love to others through daily prayers, mortifications, sacrifices and apostolic works. Their motto is: “Through the Cross to Light” –“Per Crucem Ad Lucem.” The Sisters Adorers of the Holy Cross especially serve and educate young people and especially women in cultural, social, moral and spiritual fields. The Sisters are presently serving in the Archdiocese of Portland in Oregon, Sacramento and Stockton in California and Diocese of Arlington in Virginia.

The sisters welcome all single women who seek religious life and would like to follow in the Lambertian spirituality. For more information please visit their website:


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious