Sisters in Jesus the Lord

Main Number: 816 500-6345

Vocation Director

Mother Maria Stella, CJD.

Phone: 816 500-6345

512 N 11th Street
St. Joseph, MO 64501

Sisters in Jesus the Lord is a public association of the faithful co-founded by Mother Julia Mary Kubista and Sister Maria Stella Whittier in 2010 (began community life in 2003). The sisters are missionary canonesses, founded to help revive the Roman Catholic church in far-Eastern Russia. Their charism is to “live in Jesus” and the sisters are especially devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to our Blessed Mother. They are called to evangelization through, with and in the parish by means of music and liturgy, catechesis and pro-life work of all kinds, and through the witness of their prayer and community life. Every day, they pray for the reunion of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. They follow the Rule of St. Augustine. A most important work for missionary canonesses as spiritual mothers is to pray with the people in the parish. Sisters attend the parish Mass, chant the liturgy of the hours in the language of the people five times a day and make a daily silent Holy Hour.

Their motherhouse is in St. Joseph, Missouri, and their mission convent is in Vladivostok, Russia.


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious