The Rome Summer Renewal Program is one of the programs offered by CMSWR house of studies in Rome, the Domus Sanctae Mariae Guadalupe. Open to all final professed sisters of CMSWR’s communities, the Rome Summer Renewal Program has been a successful annual pilgrimage offering presentations on religious life and the Church, the spiritual life and evangelization. In addition to the talks by learned and inspiring prelates and professors, the days include time for prayer and guided tours of historical sites and churches, basilicas, and places where the apostles and saints lived, witnessed to their faith, prayed, and died. Every summer program hosts a blog, recounting the inspirations, blessings, and events. Check out the most recent blogs below.
The 2024 CMSWR Domus Summer Renewal Program: Three weeks in Rome and environs. The theme of the Summer Renewal Program 2024 is “Beauty in the Eternal City.” We will emphasize the beauty of Rome’ s art and architecture, the beauty of sacred music, the beauty of its saints and martyrs, the beauty of its literature, the beauty of religious life, and the beauty of the Church, and how they all witness to the beauty of God.
There will be talks on these subjects; three special days of recollection; guided spiritual pilgrimages of historical sites and churches, basilicas, and places where the apostles and saints lived, witnessed to their faith, prayed, and died. There will be visits to Pontifical Universities, such as the Gregorianum (Jesuit), the Antonianum (Franciscan), the Angelicum (Dominican), and Santa Croce (Opus Dei). We will visit Assisi, Nettuno, and Castel Gandolfo.
Participants should plan to arrive in Rome on June 20, 2024 (departing from the U.S. on June 19) and depart from Rome on July 10, 2024. The charge for additional nights at the Domus is $50 per night.The cost of the program is $1,500 (not including travel to and from Rome) and includes room and board at the Domus, admission to museums and other sites, and transportation in Rome and to other locations.
The program is open to all CMSWR communities. Space is limited.
This program is supported in part by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Read blogs from past programs here. Watch a video from the 2023 program here.