Sabbatical Programs

The CMSWR House of Studies in Rome, the Domus Sanctae Mariae Guadalupe, offers a variety of sabbatical programs for members and their communities.

These Domus programs are offered throughout the year on a rotating basis. Programs are taught and accompanied by professors, prelates, speakers and guides living in Rome. Helpful, meaningful topics are planned for a variety of groups including:

  • General and provincial superiors general and provincial procurators/treasurers
  • New local superiors
  • Formators (junior, novice, postulant directors)
  • Summer renewal programs
  • Preparation for perpetual vows
  • Individual communities

Sisters from CMSWR members’ communities interested in attending a sabbatical program should contact the  National Office or the Domus Program Director for more information.

About the Program for Individual Communities

Here is an opportunity for CMSWR members and their communities to form and to participate in a  specialized program just for that community. The temporary home of the community is the “Domus;” its classroom is Rome and its environs. These programs are written specifically for the individual community and include goals/objectives according to the community’s charism. This program also includes any special requests by the community. These programs require at least six to 10 sisters. The length of stay is determined by the community.

This program is available to all CMSWR member communities. For more information or to secure a date, please contact the National Office or the Domus Program Director.


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2024 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious