Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate

Main Number: (806) 383-5769

Vocation Director

Sr. Inés del Carmen López Martinez, FMI

Phone: (806) 383-5769

4301 NE 18th Avenue
Amarillo, TX 79107

Email of the region:

We are an International Franciscan Congregation, founded in 1893 by  
Blessed Caritas Brader. Our charism is to live and announce the Gospel as Sisters Minor in permanent availability to the will of God in the world of the needy. We work in Evangelization in all its forms in Education, parish work, and Missionary work, including Mission Ad Gentes.

We were founded in the United States in 1932, in Amarillo, Texas, and spread through Texas, the states of New Mexico, California, Florida and Missouri, and Mexico. Currently we have 18 Sisters in the states of Texas, Florida and California. Our current apostolate is primarily work with Immigrants through catechesis, evangelization, human promotion, education, and in a shelter in Mexico for immigrants seeking entry to the US.

Young women ages 18 to 28 years of age who are practicing Catholics with no impediments for religious life, and have a high school may seek entrance.


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious