Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales

Main Number: 410-398-3699

Vocation Director

Sr. Frances Carol, OSFS

Phone: 540-371-1652



399 Childs Road
Childs, MD 21916

The Oblate Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales is an international congregation founded in Troyes, France by Blessed Louis Brisson and Saint Leonie Frances de Sales Aviat. The Oblate Sisters respond to Christ’s universal call to holiness by giving themselves totally to Him, freely and through love under the direction of Saint Francis de Sales. Salesian spirituality leads the sister to a life of humility before God and gentleness towards the neighbor.

For the Oblate Sister, the charism proper to the congregation consists in offering herself to God in all that she does in her spiritual and material life, her work and relationships, her apostolate, and mission.

Oblate Sisters serve the Church through education, social work, youth ministry, parish ministries, and missionary activity in South America and Africa.

Elkton, MD 21921


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious