Olivetan Benedictine Sisters
Main Number: 870-935-5810
Fax: 870-935-5810
Vocation Director
Sister Glorea Knaggs , OSB
Phone: 870-935-5810
Holy Angels Convent
P.O. Box 1209
Jonesboro, AR 72403
The mission of the Olivetan Benedictines of Jonesboro, Arkansas is the same today as it was 125 years ago when they first came to Arkansas. They came to serve those in need. “Ora et Labora” Pray and Work, is the motto of the Benedictine order, so prayer is uppermost in the life of our religious. Our life of prayer finds its highest expression in the Eucharistic celebration and in the daily recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours. In our work we serve the needs of the people in many different capacities (i.e., teaching, pastoral care, parish work, and prison ministry).
As a monastic community we love the Church and seek to serve her in fidelity to the Church’s magisterium. We witness to our consecration by the wearing of a distinctive habit, and look to the Virgin Mary as our model and mother, wearing white in her honor.
Jonesboro, AR 72401