Pax Christi Institute

Main Number: 361-241-2833

Fax: 361-241-2140

Vocation Director

Phone: 361-241-2833

4601 Calallen Drive
Corpus Christi, TX 78410

The Pax Christi Sisters were founded on July 19, 1969 by Mother Teresa Santoyo in the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas. The fundamental purpose of the Pax Christi Sisters, a contemplative-apostolic faith community, is to serve as an enabling instrument of peace, which leads each member in the pursuit of the attainment of perfect love, oneness with God.

Our ministry is to take the Good News of Jesus Christ our peace to all mankind through a dual ministry: Through our Spiritual Apostolate: We lead the people of God to a more profound understanding of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, and through the sharing of the Pax Christi spirituality enable the effecting of the salvific love mission of Jesus Christ our peace, “That all may be one.” Through the Apostolic: We share truth and love to all those whom we serve both young and old through parish programs, religious education, retreats, and evangelization.

Requirements for admission: Be a practicing Roman Catholic, have a strong desire to commit herself to a consecrated life, on admission be between the ages of 18 and 35, be of sound physical and mental health.


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious