Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace
Main Number: 810-622-9904
Vocation Directress
Phone: 810-622-9904 Ext. 3
St. Mary's Convent
7066 Main Street
Port Sanilac, MI 48469
The Sisters of Our Mother of Divine Grace are an emerging community of consecrated life, established as a public association of the faithful in the Diocese of Saginaw in 2010. Formed in a deeply Marian spirituality, we live the DeMontfort consecration, which reflects Mary’s humility in continual loving abandonment to God’s will.
Our charism is to promote unity in the truths of the Catholic Church (true ecumenism among Christians) through prayer, especially Eucharistic adoration; sharing a common life; fidelity to the magisterium; and apostolic works that include parish ministry, education, catechesis on all levels, domestic, and clerical work.
If you are a woman of faith, who has a sincere desire to dedicate yourself to God, is willing to take a risk for Christ, and possesses appropriate maturity and good physical and mental health, we invite you to join us.
7066 Main St, Port Sanilac, MI 48469