Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist

Main Number: 816-252-1673

Vocations Director

Sister Colette Marie, O.S.F.

Phone: 816-252-1673

2100 N. Noland Road
Independence, MO 64050

The Sisters of St. Francis of the Holy Eucharist are called to be little and humble in imitation of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. In common we live a simple lifestyle which expresses our total dependence on God rooted in the Eucharist and fidelity to the magisterium of the Catholic Church. The Franciscan values of contemplation, minority, humility, and poverty are central to our way of life.

Our roots date back to 1378 in the Black Forest of Switzerland. In 1892 Mother John Hau and five companions travelled from Grimmenstien, Switzerland to found a new foundation in America. Leaving the cloistered contemplative lifestyle they embraced an active apostolate while maintaining their contemplative spirit. This Eucharistic contemplative spirit continues today to be the source of the sister’s active lifestyle.

The sisters continue Mother John’s dedication to Eucharistic adoration, prayer for priests, and works of mercy with particular emphasis on the education of youth. Our ministries include academic education at all levels, retreat ministry, and outreach to the poor by local and international shipments through our Mission Warehouse. We participate daily in the Holy Mass, Eucharistic adoration, the Divine Office and recitation of the rosary.


415 Michigan Avenue NE, Suite 420
Washington, DC 20017
(202) 832-2575

©2025 Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious