Your support today will allow us to
Offer support to sisters from over 100 member communities by way of shared resources
Annually, the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious provides opportunities of communion, fellowship, and formation to sisters across the country.
- The annual National Assembly is a gathering of major superiors from 120 member congregations who meet to discuss the needs and concerns of female religious life in the United States.
- An annual Formation Workshop is held for formators of religious who benefit from mutual learning.
- A theological course offered in Spanish is an annual initiative that aims at providing a solid foundation to Hispanic sisters who serve in the United States.
Provide on-going formation workshops to sisters of member communities
With the multitude of young women in initial formation, these formation workshops provide the tools our formators need to better form and train young vibrant women religious who know and love their vocation, their religious communities, and the Church.
Maintain the Domus House of Studies in Rome
At the Domus House of Studies, sisters are invited to take classes and learn the history and beginnings of the Church in the Eternal City. Programs are offered seasonally along with the opportunity for extended stays. Your donation supports these programs.
Increase opportunities for dialogue and education on the Church’s teaching regarding religious life and discernment
The sisters in CMSWR are committed to creating and providing educational tools and activities for vocational discernment such as the distribution of resources for the study of religious life and vocational cultivation among young women.
- In June 2016, CMSWR hosted the first Catholic Young Women’s Leadership Forum for rising young women leaders. These young women had the opportunity to meet and interact with sisters from numerous congregations.
- In August 2015, CMSWR released an original 12 minute documentary For Love Alone that showcases the life of religious. It has been shown on college campuses nationwide.
- A Vocations Directory is distributed every year to schools, colleges, parishes, and dioceses across the country.
- The Women Religious app on religious life is also now available on iTunes and Google Play. Designed to assist young women find answers about religious life and find a local community.
Promote unity among major superiors of religious, thus testifying to their union with the Magisterium and their love for Christ’s vicar on earth
If you have any questions or need assistance, you may contact our Advancement Office by phone (202-832-2575, ext. 104), fax (202-832-6325), email ( or mailing address: Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious, Advancement Office, 415 Michigan Avenue, NE – P.O. Box 4467 – Washington, DC 20017-0467.
The Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious is listed in The Official Catholic Directory and on GuideStar. CMSWR is a member of the National Catholic Development Conference.